He's still really good though, a solid high-mid tier character. While he is ridiculously strong against most characters when he has the life advantage, he is oppositely weak when he is at a life disadvantage. He has some very strong anti-airs and basically focuses on keeping the opponent from moving. He has very high priority and high damage air normals, making him a prime character to use MAX mode with. In his quest to destroy all other balls, one time Chang mistook Sonic for a ball and crushed him with his bare hands and that's why all new Sonic games suck.Ĭhang is a mid-range zoning/powerhouse/tank character.
Tell me about the rabbits again, kim IntroductionĬhang aka Chang, Lord of the Balls, ruler of the ancient kingdom of Ballgaria, was crowned Emperor after defeating the marble from Marble Madness and the entire cast of Ballz 3D - 3D Fighting At Its Ballziest.